Kansas City Kansas community college is the best college for students to become a partner of a decision in the community and national leader in academic excellence.

Victory Hills

Victory hills neighborhood has a loving atmosphere for living. These people are very caring for each other. People of victory hills watch out for each other and complain about suspicious activity. The surrounding of victory hill has everything we demand to fulfill our needs fully. Victory hill is very close to UNM and CNM.
You can live your best life in victory hills. Victory hills are located near the Painted Hills Golf Club. There you can find Kansas City community college to educate your youth. This institute is the best for students to transfer, career, general, development, and continuing education.

For shopping, you can find many great shopping malls. Two main shopping centers, parallel plaza shopping Centre and victory hills shopping Centre, are available here.

For your recreational activities, many parks are available here. Mill creek park, Antioch Park, and Wyandotte’s county lake park are the best recreational activities. Science City at union station and wonderscope children’s museum are also the best places for recreation.

Restaurants, great shopping, and entertainment are nearby at the lively Kansas City downtown and the legends.

Victory hills have a large number of amenities. These amenities provide you with a sense of normalcy and comfort.

Military base fort Leavenworth is present in the neighborhood of victory hills. Victory hills also have a Kansas city international airport. Further, you might be able to find places where you can ride your car and bike in this area. But for more errands, you will most likely want your car.

Kansas Community College

Kansas City Kansas community college is the best institute for further studies after school education. The college’s sensitivity to its students’ requirements is demonstrated by its quality, comprehensiveness, accessibility, accountability, and flexibility.

The college is a publication institution in northeast Kansas. The institution within the limits of Kansas City is easily located in Wyandotte County.
Kansas City community college’s mission is to inspire individuals and boost our community students at a time.

This college provides the students with an educational environment that stirs up a powerful commitment to high academic standards. This strong commitment assists modern learning excellence and inspires challenging, innovative teaching methods, delivery systems, and varied programs.

Kansas City Kansas community college plays a vital in enhancing student social and conceptual development as long as possible. It stresses the behavior, attitude, responsibilities, and skills required for impressive and valuable citizenship and learning in a multicultural democracy.

Kansas community college provides affordable academic and educational opportunities. Forgiving the opportunity to every student’s class’s size is small. This institute has many tuition fees depending on where you are from. This institute also avails more than seventy scholarships to help pay for your tuition.

Follow below simple driving instructions to reach there from 752 S 66th Terrace Kansas City, KS 66111, USA. Go to Head north on S 66th Terrace toward Kansas Ave for 0.2 miles and then turn to left onto Kansas Ave and keep driving for 0.1 miles. Turn to the right to stay on the Kansas Ave and go for 243 ft and then turn to the left onto Kaw Dr and go for another 0.1 miles. Next, turn to the right onto S 68 St/Kansas Ave and go for 108 ft, turn to left onto Kansas Ave and drive for 1.3 miles, turn to the right onto S 78 St/N 78th St, and keep going for 1.4 miles. Next, turn to the right onto Elizabeth Ave and go for 161 ft and then, turn to left after 177ft drive, you will be near the Quick Trip gas station Building. https://goo.gl/maps/yb7ePCDTv34boRck7

Go to Head South toward the Elizabeth Ave and go for 177 ft, then take the right turn onto Elizabeth Ave and drive for 161 ft. After that, you will be at 1st Cross Street onto N 78th St; after taking a right turn, go for 0.5 miles and then turn to the right and go for 82ft. Next, turn to the left and go for 102 ft; you will reach near Walgreens building. https://goo.gl/maps/ixUgdvkiKEFwKwf96

Go to head north toward State Ave and go for 302 ft, then turn right on State Ave and go for 0.5 miles. Turn to the right, cover 49 ft distance, take a right turn, and go for 62 ft, now turn to the left and go for 52ft; you will be near the Taco Bell building. https://goo.gl/maps/ZVwYSDBPAu3jdf5j9

Now go Head south for 49 ft, then turn to the right toward State Ave and drive for 213 ft, then turn to the left toward the State Ave and cover a 102 ft distance. Turn to the right onto State Ave and go for 0.3 miles; you will be near Vic & David s Blue Devil Deli building. https://goo.gl/maps/oSviQpXfyHoKB6ow7

Go to Head east onto State Ave toward the College Pkwy/ Turner Diagonal FWY for 0.1 miles, then turn to the left at 1st Cross Street onto the Colleg Pkwy and drive for 0.2 miles. Here Make a U-Turn at Campus Blvd and go for 0.1 miles, then by a slight right turn toward State Ave, go to 367 ft. Then go for 0.2 miles; you will reach Kansas City, Kansas Community College by a slight right turn on State Ave. https://goo.gl/maps/jJwfcFYen22NC63t6

Full Route:

(816) 249-2755